It is my privilege to welcome you to the Bhaskar Public School. We endeavor to create a learning environment in which all children will feel enabled and encouraged to become successful learners.
The school is nothing but a second home to the child as he spends most part of his time in school. Each student is encouraged to accept responsibility for self-discipline, develop self-respect and compassion, contribute to the community, and through their school life-develop a love for learning and continually strive for excellence.
Each student is encouraged to accept responsibility for self discipline, to develop self respect and compassion, to contribute to the community and through their school life-develop a love for learning continually striving for excellence.
Excellence is an attitude. we place high value on the "pursuit of excellence" and will continue to inculcate in our children the right outllok to not run after successe but to chess excellence. In any and everything that they do. Sports , Art or Academics, the mantras that they need to follow is that they have to be better than what they were Yesterday.
-Akhilesh Kumar (Director )
Bhaskar Public School Purnea
Dear Parents, As I always say every child is gifted with some or other quality. It is the responsibility of ours to discover the hidden qualities of our students. At the beginning of the new session. This session the key areas to get more attention are students' school attendance, parents' participation in various school activities Handwriting in English and Hindi.
The destiny of country is decided in its classroom and the teachers are those people who helps them. A true teacher is like apoter. He beats the pot from the outside and tries to remove the unevenness and faults of the children.In fact it iis our dusty to satisfy you and your children. We have Sincerely, Devotion, Honesty, Dedication & Concentration for the best education. You are the Pillars of family members of our school, so we expect your co-operation in the New session.
with best wishes
Excellence is an attitude. we place high value on the "pursuit of excellence" and will continue to inculcate in our children the right outlook to not run after success but to chess excellence. In any and everything that they do. Sports, Art or Academics, the mantras that they need to follow is that they have to be better than what they were Yesterday.
-Atul Kumar (Principal)
Bhaskar Public School Purnea
Residential Bhaskar Public School is an English Medium School which Bhaskar Educational Trust runs. Bhaskar Public School has been set up on 4th April 2016.
The school has fully devoted itself to creating an atmosphere of religion, harmony Panchsheel, the fundamental ethics of life, love compassion, and Honesty through day-to-day activities.
It is the aim of our school to bring about the tell and all around the development of the child as a person
That means its Academic, Intellectual, Physical, Moral Spiritual, Aesthetic, Cultural, and Social Growth.
OUR MOTO To develop the whole Personality Providing the best Opportunity for the mental, physical, and spiritual equilibrium of each child. To impact love and service to the community, country and God caring ideal citizens out of children.
-Baby Kumari (Managing Director)
Bhaskar Public School Purnea
Computer Lab has been set up to teach pupils of St. Peter's School from the little ones of Nursery classes to senior.
School libraries provide a safe heaven for all students think, create, share and grow. The school aims at the total provision of knowledge to young minds.
Science Laborites are a great place for students which help them enhance their learning by understanding the theoretical concepts of science which are thought in the classrooms.